Service & Repair

We repair and service your system

If you think you your system needs service or repairment please contact us at and then we can discuss the problem and how we can help you. 

When to service your system

The Dearson system is a very nice and delicate system. If you service your system regularly it will last for very many dental floatings. We recommend that you grease the applecore and unidisc head after aproxemately 10 horses. If this is done in one day grease the heads in the end of the day. If you dont do that many we recommend that you grease the heads at least once a week and then preferrably before the weekend when the system is not used.


The flexible cable should be greased aproximately every third week and the inner cable in the handpiece should be greased aproxemately every third month. When doing this you also make sure that your system is kept smooth and that the parts can be taken apart without problems.

We have made a YouTube channel where you can see more about how to service your Dearson Floating system at Equine Dental Products – YouTube 

Swap in terms

“Swap in” is a new thing we have introduced to make things so smooth for you as a customer as possble. The thought is that you have to be able to work as much as possible and for this you need your equipment all the time. So instead of sending your unidisc head or apple core head for service you contact us and we will send you a brand new head at a favorable price if you send the used one upon recieving the new one. You have to send the new one to us within a week of recieving your new one other wice you will be charged the difference in price between the price of a new head and swap in price.  

Swap in price

Swap in price for apple core head: 25% discount on the price for a new head

Swap in price for unidisc head: 25% discount on the price for a new head